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17408 Millstone Way - Neighbor Fire Hazard

Name: Karen Pierson
Phone Number: 2098325300
Status: Closed
Assigned To: Amoreno (Code Compliance)
Ticket ID: 65806a41

I manage the home located at 17408 Mill Stone Way, Lathrop.  It was discovered that the rear neighbor smokes next to our shared fence (evidenced by several cigarette butts) and it appears the fence caught on fire.  I have a photo of the charred fence and the cigarette butts lying on the ground next to the fence.  


Can this be addressed by the City? 

Ticket History

Updated By: Amoreno
Assigned To: Amoreno (Code Compliance)



Thank you for bringing this to the city’s attention. The shared fence is on private property and smoking is not regulated on private property by Code Enforcement. If you feel the fence was charred by the act of arson then please call the non-emergency line at (209)249-1800 to make a report to the Police Department. If you have any questions, please contact the Community Services Division at 209-647-6430.


Angelina Moreno

Community Services Division

Lathrop Police Department

940 River Islands Parkway

Lathrop, CA 95330


01/09/2025 - 3:00pm
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

01/07/2025 - 3:00pm


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