We are looking for updated housing numbers for the Central Lathrop Specific Plan where they changed the land uses to add industrial and remove some residential.
Also, we would like the total lots sold in CLSP and River Islands?
I'm unsure if this is the correct dept but I was curious to hear which stores or vendors will be coming to the new Stanford center? I was also wondering if we could submit requests? Thank you so much!
Josh Elliott, LMFD, responded to the email as follows:
Thank you for your inquiry regarding Fire Hydrants here within the City of Lathrop. Unfortunately, the California Fire Code requires our Fire Hydrants to be painted their color based on what the available gallons per minute in the event of a fire. Approved color coordination is industry standard in the Fire Service.
Could we consider an auction fundraiser for the city/fire department/schools where winners are chosen to decorate fire hydrants, based on the highest donations, in the brightest most colorful ways possible. Could be done every few years for sustainable income. Other cities have done it. Milaca, MN would be an example.
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