Animal Services FAQ

How do I get a dead animal picked up?

Lathrop Community Services Division is responsible for the removal of stray deceased animals. Contact non-emergency Police Dispatch at 209-249-1800 to report the location of the deceased animal. If it is your own pet that passes away, you are responsible for its removal and disposal.

How do I get help for an animal problem (stray, barking, dog bite, humane complaint, etc.)?

Contact Lathrop Police Dispatch to initiate a call for service: 

Non-Emergency: 209-249-1800

Emergency: 209-249-2000

If you would like to report a concern or a complaint, please provide Dispatch your name, address, phone number, the reason for calling and the location of the concern. If you are reporting a barking dog an address is required where the barking is occurring.

How do I get help with an animal problem after you close?

Lathrop Community Services does not provide after hours coverage for routine animal related problems such as strays, deceased animals, or barking complaints. We do provide emergency coverage, after normal business hours of , for emergencies only , such as injured or vicious animals. You can contact emergency Police Dispatch at (209) 249-2000.

How do I purchase a license for my dog?

All dogs over the age of 4 months must be vaccinated and licensed. In order to purchase a license, you must have a current rabies vaccination certificate and a spay/neuter certificate if applicable; you must get this certificate from a licensed veterinarian. License fees are $80.00 for an unaltered dog or $20.00 for an altered dog per calendar year. A $30.00 penalty fee applies for any dog license renewal processed after February 1st.

1. You can purchase your license at Lathrop City Hall (390 Towne Centre Dr.) or Lathrop Police Department (940 River Islands Pkwy.).

2. You can mail your fees and appropriate certificates to: Lathrop Community Services Division, 940 River Islands Pkwy, Lathrop, CA 95330.  

3. You may also purchase or renew your dog license online.  

I lost my pet; what can I do?

Contact the Community Services Division at 209-647-6400 to report a lost pet. Post and check lost and found pages on social media. The most commonly used page is Lost and Found Pets 209 on Facebook.

My pet was picked up by animal services; what do I do and how much will it cost?

To redeem your animal, you will be required to pay the fees associated with the impound. Fees include but are not limited to: impound, board & care, dog license deposit, unaltered impound fee mandated by the State if the animal is not spayed or neutered, and any veterinary costs associated with the animal if applicable. Contact the Lathrop Police Department to begin the redemption process at 209-647-6400.

What does Lathrop Animal Services Do?

**Field Services

*Animal Bite Investigation

*Animal Law Enforcement

*Barking/Nuisance Investigation

*Humane Investigation

*Deceased Animal Pick Up

*Stray Impounds

*Loose Livestock

*Area Patrol

*Public Education

*Injured Or Sick Stray

Why do I have to license my dog?

California State Law requires all dogs over the age of four months to have current rabies vaccinations and be licensed by jurisdiction. Dogs vaccinated between four to twelve months old will require rabies re-vaccination in one year.

San Joaquin County is considered a rabies endemic area. The license program is the method of managing this requirement.

Building Department FAQ

Where Can I Apply For A Permit?

All Permits must be applied for electronically through the Lathrop Civic Access Portal (LCAP). Please read the LCAP User Guides for assistance, and be sure to submit all applicable and necessary Forms for your project, found in our Applications and Forms.

The online portal is available 24-hours a day, seven (7) days a week and enables users to apply for permits electronically in minutes.

The Building Department is glad to help anyone at the Front Counter to Create an Account / Login to LCAP and explain the online Permit Process, after you have read the provided User Guides.

How Much Are Permit Fees?

Permit Fees are determined by the Construction Valuation of the Scope of Work for a project. This includes cost of materials and labor.

Plan Check Fees are applicable on projects that will require Plan Reviews.


Please refer to the Master Fee Schedule for any questions on Permit Fee Estimates, and for a Complete List of Fees in the City of Lathrop.

Can I Get Copies of Plans For My Property?

The Building Department is not the Point-of-Contact for these requests.

To request any information on a property or to request plans, please submit a Public Records Request online. 


Refer to the link above for Instructions and Information on Public Records Requests.

Can I Start Work Before My Permit Is Issued?


Work on a Project can not legally begin before a Permit is Issued and kept on file on the Work Site.


Per Section 109.4 of the CBC, "Any person who commences any work before obtaining the neccessary permits shall be subject to a fee established by the building official that shall be in addition to the required permit fees."

What Are the Allowed Hours of Construction Within the City?

Refer to the LMC Section 8.20.110: Construction of Buildings and Projects for Construction Hours and Restrictions.

What Are the Current Cycle Times For Plan Reviews?

Please view our Current Cycle Times for Building Permit and Plan Reviews as of 11/19/20.


Note that these Cycles are Average Times, and may be subject to delays during times of high traffic workloads, such as Holidays, or New Implementations, and available resources.

Average Times do not include Issuance Processing Time, and are not guaranteed timelines for other Departments' Reviews.

How Long Are Permit Applications Valid For?

A Permit Application (Not Issued) is Valid for 180 days from the Date of Application, and will Expire thereafter, as it will be deemed abandoned, unless otherwise authorized by the Building Official as written in the CBC Section 105.3.2.

How Long Are Issued Permits Valid For?

Permits that have been Approved and Issued are valid for 12 months (365 days) from the Date of Issuance, and will Expire thereafter, if Inspections are not Performed.

If any Inspections are Performed, Permits are valid for another 6 months (180 days) from the Last Inspection Date, and will Expire thereafter, as it will be deemed abandoned.

CBC Section 105.5

Business Licensing FAQs

Who Is Required to Obtain a Business License?

A Business License is required of All Home-Based and Commercial Businesses, Mobile Food Vendors, and Solicitors conducting business in the City of Lathrop.

Where Can I Apply For A Business License?

Business Licenses must be applied for electronically through the Lathrop Civic Access Portal (LCAP). Please read the LCAP User Guide - "Apply For A Business License" above for assistance.

How Much Does a Business License Cost?

All New Business License Applications are subject to a First Time Application Fee of $25.

Please refer to the Master Fee Schedule for any other applicable fees.

How Long Does It Take to Obtain a Business License?

Please allow 5-10 business days for the Finance Department to completely Review the Business License Application, and if Approved, Issue the Business License.

How Long Are Business Licenses Valid For?

All Business Licenses are Valid for the current Calendar Year and Expire December 31st of every year.

When Can I Renew My Business License?

Business License Renewals are sent out in November to Renew for the following Calendar Year.

What Does Commercial Location Mean When Applying For a Business License?

When applying for a Business License, select "Commercial Location" if the address you are doing business from is located at a Commercial Building.

What Does Residential Location Mean When Applying For a Business License?

When applying for a Business License, select "Residential Location" if the address you are doing business from is at a Residential Home located within Lathrop City Limits.

Home-Based Businesses in Lathrop require application for a Home Occupancy Permit. Please refer to ____________ for assistance.

What is the Difference Between "In Lathrop" and "Outside Lathrop"?

When applying for a Business License, select a License Type with "In Lathrop" if the Applicant/Company's Business Address is located within Lathrop City Limits.

Select a License Type with "Outside Lathrop" if the Applicant/Company's Business Address is located outside of Lathrop City Limits.

How Do I Apply for a Home Occupancy Permit for My Residential Business?

Home-Based Businesses in Lathrop require application for a Home Occupancy Permit. Please refer to ____________ for assistance.

What Is Required for Contractors to Apply for a Business License?

Along with Applying online for a Business License on LCAP, Contractors are required to be actively listed as a Contractor through the Contractor State License Board (CLSB), and provide at the time of Application, the CLSB License Number.

How Do I Report Gross Receipts?

Gross Receipts should be calculated based on business conducted within Lathrop City Limits, wihtin the Calendar Year.

Code Compliance FAQ

Can the Listing Agent/Property Manager get water turned on at a vacant property?

Yes, the agent or property manager can get the water turned on in their name. Please contact the City of Lathrop Finance Department at (209) 941-7320 for more information.

Code Compliance says they do not have an “active case at this time” at a property address. What does that mean?

Although there is not an active current case at this time, this does not mean that there were no previous cases and does not preclude future code cases.

Does the City of Lathrop require that vacant/abandoned/foreclosed properties be registered with the City?

At this time, the city does not require these properties to be registered with the city. We do require that these properties follow the requirements per the Vacant and Abandoned Residential Property Ordinance described in Chapter 8.26 of the Lathrop Municipal Code.

How long does it normally take to clear the title of a code lien(s)?

A code lien cannot be cleared until all cited violations and current and outstanding code monies are paid. If corrected, the process can be done within 10 business days of confirmed payment.

I received a Notice of Violation from Code Compliance. What if I need more time to correct the violations?

Contact the Code Compliance officer who issued the citation and request for an extension. The name and phone number of the officer is located on the citation. You may also contact the Code Compliance Division at (209) 647-6400 to make arrangements. Code Compliance encourages voluntary compliance and therefore most reasonable requests for extra time are granted. The length of time will be determined in a case-by-case basis.

I turned in a complaint on a property and nothing has been done. Why does it take so long?

The amount of time it takes for a property to comply can vary. To guarantee fairness, each time a property owner is cited, Code Compliance is required to notify the property owner of the violations and to give a minimum amount of ten days for the violations to be abated. It may take several weeks before the violation is actually corrected. During this time we are actively pursuing the correction of the violation, and we appreciate your patience.

There are code violations on a property that I am interested in purchasing. How can I get information on what those violations are?

Non-owners or person(s) not directly related to the property must submit a Request for Public Information form to the City Attorney’s office. The form can be obtained either at city hall or online at the City of Lathrop Website under Service Forms. Please contact the City Attorney’s Office ay (209) 941-7235 for more information.

There is a For Sale sign with the name and contact number of the real estate agency. Does this suffice as an official posting of a name and contact number?

Per code section 8.26.070C the property must be posted with the name and twenty-four (24)hour contact phone number of the local property management company and at least contain the words “THIS PROPERTY MANAGED BY ___________TO REPORT PROPLEMS OR CONCERNS CALL_______.

There is an unmaintained swimming pool in a back yard and I am concerned with mosquitoes. What should I do?

Contact the Code Compliance Division at (209) 647-6400. A code officer can inspect to make sure the pool meets both Building and L.M.C. security and maintenance requirements. If there is a concern for mosquitoes, you can either contact the Mosquito Vector Control at (209) 982-4675 or Code Compliance can contact them for you. Please be prepared to give an exact address.

What is an illegal encroachment?

An encroachment is any obstruction on a city street or sidewalk (Public Right of Way). The most common encroachments include, but are not limited to: Basketball hoops, garbage cans (for an extended period of time), rubbish, junk and debris.

What is considered a code violation?

There are numerous items that can be a violation of the City Municipal Code. The most common are: tall dry grass/weeds, rubbish/junk/debris, inoperable vehicles, illegal residential vehicle parking, graffiti on private property, illegal encroachments, and unpermitted structures just to name a few. If you feel that a property has a possible violation, you can contact the Code Compliance Division and we will investigate the complaint.

What should the listing agent/property manager do to ensure that escrow is not delayed due to code violations?

Contact the Code Compliance Division at (209) 647-6400 to determine if there are violations and have them corrected prior to the close of escrow. Also, inspect the property frequently; some properties are more susceptible to ongoing vandalism or problems than others.

Engineering FAQ

How many ISU's are on my property?

By calling Public Works at (209) 858-2860, Ext. 328 and providing us with either your street address or APN we can tell you how many ISU’s are assigned to your property.

Is there any transit that I can use to get to the Bay Area?

Yes. The Altamont Commuter Express will take you as far as the Silicon Valley. For more information call 1-800-411-RAIL or visit their website

My water bill seems really high, what can I do about this?

One way to lower your monthly bill is to conserve. Water conservation can be an important part of saving money on your water bill. Public Works has conservation kits available free of charge. Please visit our office if you would like to pick one up.

What is an ISU?

An ISU (Interceptor Service Unit) is a term used for waste water.

What is my water pressure suppose to be?

The water pressure City wide ranges from 50 to 60PSI.

What is the procedure for renting a Fire Hydrant Meter?

A Fire Hydrant Rental Application must be complete and a deposit of $1,200 per meter is required. All meters have a daily rental charge. Once we have the required items you will then be issued the meter.

When do I need an encroachment permit?

An Encroachment Permit is required when someone is requesting to work in the public right a way. All work in the public right a way must be performed by a licensed contractor.

Finance FAQ

Are there discounts given on water service?

Yes. Discounts are only given on water service if you qualify for the PG&E CARE program.  If so, please provide the Finance Department a copy of your PG&E bill that verifies you are part of that program.  A 20% reduction is given on the monthly water service charge and a 10% reduction is applied to the monthly wastewater service charge.

Can I pay my garbage bill at the City of Lathrop?

The Public Works Department has a drop box to receive payments for Republic Services.  Payments must be made by check, cashier’s check, or money order. Please do not put cash in the Public Works payment box.  The payments are mailed by the Public Works Department to Republic Services for processing.

In order to have your payment delivered to Republic Services by the next business day, your payment must be in the Public Works drop box by 2 p.m. Monday-Friday.

How can I pay my utility bill?

There are several options for payment of your utility bill:

AUTOMATIC BANK DRAFT Payment is deducted from your bank account on the due date stated on your bill. Complete and return authorization form. (Please allow 6-8 weeks to set up).

ON-LINE BILL PAY The City of Lathrop website to view your account information and pay your monthly bill on-line using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit cards.  Payments received after business hours on the last day of the month will not be processed until the following business day.  All accounts paid after business hours on the due date will be subject to penalty charges.  (Please note that when bills are paid through your bank’s on-line service, your bank may deduct the money out of your account right away. A check is then issued and mailed to the City of Lathrop for payment on your account.  We do not receive the funds electronically.  Please allow 5-10 business days for the City of Lathrop to receive the payment by mail.)

MAIL Payments can be mailed to Lathrop City Hall, 390 Towne Centre Drive, Lathrop, CA 95330, Attn:  Finance Department.  We accept check, money order, cashier’s checks, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. Please include your City of Lathrop account number with your payment and mail 5-7 business days before the due date.

IN PERSON Paid at the counter in the Finance Department inside Lathrop City Hall.  We accept cash, check, money orders, cashier’s checks, debit cards, Discover, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit cards.

NIGHT DROP BOX For your convenience a night drop box is available outside of the Lathrop City Hall doors.  Place your check, cashier’s check, or money order in an envelope clearly labeled with your name and account number. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. Please DO NOT place cash in the night drop box.  Payments must be dropped off prior to 8:00 a.m. on the due date shown on the bill in order to be processed and posted to the account the same business day.

OVER THE PHONE We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit card payments over the phone.  Please have your credit card ready when you call. 

Automated Phone System 209-941-5000

Representative Phone Assistance - 209-941-7320

Phone payment will only be accepted from the customer whose name appears on the account and identification on file will be verified.

How do I start new water and sewer services?

The City of Lathrop provides water and sewage services within the city limits. To assist you with starting new services, City Hall is open Monday - Thursday, 8am to 6pm, and Friday, 8am to 5pm. The Finance Department may be reached directly by calling (209) 941-7320.

Starting new service by Fax is an option if you are unable to come into the office. Simply fax the required documents (listed below) and call Finance to pay the deposit by credit card over the phone. The Finance fax number is (209) 941-7339.

Required Documents:

The following documents are requried to start new utility service:

Valid photo ID (Driver’s License, state ID, military ID, or passport)

Signed Rental Agreement or proof of home ownership

Service application (provided when you come into the office or Download form here)

Deposit Fee:

A deposit of $150 is required from all businesses and residents and is due at the time services are activated. The deposit is either 1) applied to the account after one year of satisfactory account activity, or 2) applied to the closing bill upon the discontinuation of services; and remaining credit will be refunded.

How do I stop my water and sewer services?

Please contact the Finance Department at (209) 941-7320 to terminate service by phone.  You may also come in person to City Hall to stop service.

  • Water and sewer service can be terminated Monday-Thursday 8a.m.-6p.m. Services are not stopped on Fridays. 
  • Service can be stopped the same day or at a future date by the person whose name appears on the account. 
  • Identification will be verified, and a new forwarding address is necessary. 
  • Any deposit on the account will be applied towards the final bill.  If there is a refund due, a check will be mailed to the forwarding address on file in approximately 8-10 weeks.

If you are no longer living at the service address, it is your responsibility to let us know to disconnect services.  Monthly service charges will continue to incur on the account until it is closed.

Please note that if you disconnect water services and need it turned back on incidentally or for a one-time occurrence, you will be charged a $30 disconnection and $30 reconnection fee.

How is my utility bill calculated?

Utility bills are comprised of fixed and variable charges.  Bills are calculated based on usage from the previous month.  Effective January 2018, residential home rates are as follows:

The fixed service charges (based on 5/8” meter):

  • East: Water Service Charge $16.30; Facility Fee $9.10; Wastewater (sewer) Service Charge $71.00 = $96.40 for a residential home.
  • West: Water Service Charge $16.30; Wastewater (sewer) Service Charge $79.00 = $95.30 for a residential home. (The $9.10 facility Fee is paid on the property tax bill)

Variable Usage Charges:

  • In addition to the above fixed charges, the water usage charge is calculated by $3.99 per/1,000 gallons of water used.

Fixed service charges are billed every month in addition to any water usage.  Once water goes through the meter, you are responsible for the charges.

Other rates apply for mobile homes, discount program, and commercial/industrial. please see full rate schedule for more information.

How much is an animal license?

A one-year license for your dog is $80 if the dog is intact, $20 if the dog has been spayed or neutered (a copy of the spay/neuter certificate must be shown) and a valid rabies vaccination certificate must be shown.  

A penalty will be charged if your dog is not licensed within 30 days of ownership or 30 days after the dog turns 4 months old (or old enough to be given its first rabies vaccination).

Other rates apply for a two-year license or senior discount (65 or older).  Please see the City Master Fee Schedule for additional fee amounts.

I have a large item to dispose of and would like to schedule someone to pick it up. How do I do that?

Please call your garbage service provider Republic Services at (209) 466-3604.

I received a parking ticket. Can I pay for it at City Hall?

The City of Lathrop does not accept payments for parking violations.  Payments are taken by Data Ticket.  Data Ticket will be responsible for conducting all administrative reviews and hearings associated with parking citations issued by The City of Lathrop Police Department.

CONTACT:                                Data Ticket / City of Lathrop

                                               C/O Citation Processing Center

                                                P.O. Box 2730

                                                Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2730

                                                PHONE: 1-800-989-2058


I would like to open a business in a commercial/industrial zoned property, what do I need to do?

Prior to signing any lease or purchase of properties intended for business, it is important to discuss your plans with a City staff member to determine zoning designations and building requirements.  Please contact our Community Development Department or at (209) 941-7260 for more information.

Prior to submitting a business license application, a change of occupancy certificate must be obtained first through the Building Department or at (209) 941-7270.

Once approval is obtained, please contact the Finance Department for application forms and information about the Business License process or at (209) 941-7320.

There may be other forms or permits needed for your particular type of business.  For more information about required permits from other agencies, including the County and the State, please see our website for more information.

I would like to open a business out of my home, what do I need to do?

The City permits under certain conditions, the operation of a home based business in accordance with State Law and the Zoning Code.

Please note that starting a business from home requires a number of permits and/or licenses from various Government Agencies, including the City of Lathrop.  The City will require you to obtain a Business License, as well as a Home Occupation Permit.  Please see Home Occupation Permit Instructions and Application

The Manteca-Lathrop Fire District, a separate agency from the City, also requires a permit for a home based business. Contact the fire district at (209) 858-2331 for information on their permitting process.

Please contact the Finance Department for application forms and information about the Business License process or at (209) 941-7320.

For more information about required permits from other agencies, including the County and the State, please see our website for more information.

I would like to start an ice cream truck business in Lathrop. What do I need to do to obtain a business license with the City of Lathrop?

A Motorized Food Wagon Business License Application will need to be completed.  This form can be obtained at City Hall through the Finance Department or download from our website.  Prior to submitting the business license application, please contact the Code Enforcement Dept.  for fingerprinting.


My water bill seems really high, what can I do about this?

One way to lower your monthly bill is to conserve.  Water conservation can be an important part of saving money on your water bill.  Public Works has conservation kits available free of charge.  Please visit our office if you would like to pick one up.

What are the ways I can receive my water bill?

There are two options in receiving your utility bill:

  • MAIL All invoices are generated at the beginning of the month.  Monthly statements reflecting usage from the previous month are mailed the first week of each month.  Every account receives a paper bill mailed to the mailing address provided by the customer.  If you change your mailing address, it is your responsibility to let us know.


  • E-BILL  To receive your monthly bill electronically, you must enroll using City of Lathrop online utility service. Please have your utility bill ready to log to your account. Click here when you are ready.
When are utility bills due?

Utility Payments are due by the 25th of every month.  If the 25th lands on a Friday, weekend, or holiday, payments made on the preceding business day will not be considered late.

  • Monthly statements reflecting usage from the previous month are mailed the first week of each month.  See your utility bill for current dates and more information.
  • A grace period is given until the last business day of the month to make payments without penalties. 


  • Payments received after the close of business on the last business day of the month will receive a 10% penalty for water and 10% for sewer.
  • Accounts delinquent for one month are mailed a “yellow” reminder notice.
  • The balance forward amount on the bill is considered past due.  Your water service may be subject to disconnection.
  • Water service will be shut-off on accounts that remain delinquent following a 72-hour mailing notice (“red tag”).  In addition, customers who receive a “Shut-Off Notice” may not pay by personal check.  You may pay by cash, money order, cashier’s check, debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover credit cards.
  • If water is shut-off due to non-payment, the full past-due balance and reconnection fees must be paid in full to restore service. Some accounts may also require a security deposit of $150 to restore service.
Who do I contact for garbage service?

Garbage service is mandatory in the City of Lathrop. For account set up, inquires, and questions about garbage service, please contact Republic Services at (209) 466-3604.

Lathrop Civic Access Portal General Instructions

How Do I Register For An Account?

To register for an account on the Lathrop Civic Access Portal, please follow these steps:


  1. Visit the Registration Page: Navigate to the Lathrop Civic Access Portal Registration Page.

  2. Enter Your Information: Fill in the required fields, including:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email Address

    • Password (Must Meet Specified Criteria)

    • Confirm Password

  3. Agree to Terms:  Check the box to agree to the Terms and Conditions.

  4. Complete CAPTCHA: If prompted, complete the CAPTCHA Verification.

  5. Submit Your Registration: Click the "Register" button to submit your information.

  6. Verify Your Email: Check your email for a Verification Message from the Portal. Click the link provided in the email to verify your account.

How Do I Log In?

To log in to your account on the Lathrop Civic Access Portal:

  1. Go to the Login Page: Navigate to the Lathrop Civic Access Portal Login Page.

  2. Enter Your Credentials:

    • Email Address: Enter the Email Address used to register.

    • Password: Enter your password.

  3. Login: Click the "Login" Button to access your Account Dashboard.

  4. Dashboard Access: Upon successful login, you will be redirected to your Account Dashboard where you can manage your permits, licenses, and more.

What If I Forgot My Password?

If you have forgotten your password, follow these steps to reset it:

  1. Navigate to the Login Page: Go to the Lathrop Civic Access Portal Login Page.

  2. Click on "Forgot Password": Click the "Forgot Password" link located below the Login Fields.

  3. Enter Your Email: Enter the Email Address associated with your Account.

  4. Submit Request: Click the "Submit" button to Request a Password Reset

  5. Check Your Email: Look for an email from the Portal with a Password Reset Link.

  6. Reset Your Password: Click the link in the email and follow the instructions to create a new Password.

  7. Login with New Password: Return to the Login Page and log in with your new Password.

What If My Account Is Locked?

If your Account is Locked, follow these steps to unlock it:

  1. Navigate to the Login Page: Go to Lathrop Civic Access Portal Login Page.

  2. Click on "Unlock Account": Click the "Unlock Account" link located below the login fields.

  3. Enter Your Email: Enter the Email Address associated with your Account.

  4. Submit Request: Click the "Submit" button to request an Account Unlock.

  5. Check Your Email: Look for an email from the Portal with an Account Unlock Link.

  6. Unlock Your Account: Click the link in the email and follow the instructions to unlock your Account.

  7. Login: Return to the Login Page and log in with your credentials.

LCAP Permitting Process FAQs

What Email Address does the Verification Email for LCAP Login/Registration come from?

The email address that the Verification Email comes from is: noreply@identity.tylerportico.com

What Are the Requirements for Document Submissions?

The following are document submission requirements. Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in an Incomplete Submittal, and will not be processed, until documents adhere.

  • Documents must be properly oriented and legible when uploaded.
  • Each Multi-Page Document/Plan Sets for Review must be submitted as a Single PDF File.
    • Remove ALL Securities, Print/Flatten PDFs to remove all PDF Comments.
  • Make sure to select the correct File Category and Plan Check (PC) Submittal Version when uploading
  • Be sure to upload all Required and Applicable Forms, including Permit Application, which is a requirement and submissions that are missing Permit Applications will result in an Incomplete Submittal and will not be processed.

Police FAQ

Basketball hoops in the street are a nuisance. Why can't you have them removed?

Placing a basketball hoop (or any object) in the right-of-way or roadway is an illegal encroachment and conformance is monitored by the Community Services Division. These violations can be reported to non-emergency Police Dispatch at 209-249-1800.

Exactly when do I need to stop when a school bus is letting out children?

Section 22454(a) CVC states that you must come to a complete stop if a schoolbus is displaying the required lights and sign and you may not proceed until the lights and/or stop sign have ceased operation. • A vehicle approaching the schoolbus from the front on a divided or multiple-lane (two or more lanes of travel in each direction) need not stop. o Per 21651(a) CVC, a divided highway is designated by barriers , double lines, or other markings/paving not less then 2 feet in width. • A vehicle approaching the schoolbus from the rear must stop.

Motor Bikes and Pocket Bikes – what is and isn't legal?

Pocket bikes do not have the mandated 17 digit VIN's and are illegal to operate on any public street in the State of California (as with any type machine such as go-carts). They may only be operated on private property with required permissions from property owners. VIN numbers are only assigned after the bike has installed all state required equipment.

Motor Bikes and Motorcycles differ in the engine size, but both require either M1 or M2 endorsement on driver's license and both must meet state equipment requirements.

Please refer to this link for details on these different motor driven devices:


Why did I get a parking citation AND a 72 hour notice on my car? It is in front of my house.

The parking citation is for the violation of the City Ordinance and/or California Vehicle Code. The 72 hour notice is advising you that if the the violation is not corrected within that 72 hours, the vehicle may be towed at the expense of the registered owner.

The City of Lathrop is proactive on keeping the streets free of vehicles that appear abandoned or do not conform with State laws. This maintains the quality of environment that citizens deserve.

Police Records

Can someone else pick up my vehicle release?

If the registered owner is not available for picking up the vehicle then you there will need to be the following:

  • A second party release form will need to be filled out and signature from the authorizing person to pick up your vehicle. 
  • A copy of your driver's license or identification card.
  • The person picking up the vehicle release must have a valid driver's license.


Does Lathrop Police Department offer VIN Verification?

No, the Lathrop Police Department does not offer VIN verification.  Please contact your local DMV or CHP for VIN verification.

How do I contest a traffic citation?

 A person who receives a traffic citation may contest it by going to the court they are cited to (listed on citation). This does not happen at the Police Department. Please visit the Superior Court traffic webpage for further information. 



How do I get a copy of my report?

If your request meets the criteria for release of disclosable public records because it needs to follow the guidelines set forth by the "California Public Records Act" and strictly to Government, Evidence, Labor and Civil codes when releasing reports. A records team member will process the written request with ten working days or the requesting party will be notified by email if the request cannot be fulfilled.

  • Reports will only be released to parties involved in the incident.
  • Request for reports can be accepted by mail, email or in person.
  • You must bring a valid form of I.D. to receive a copy of any reports, or attach a copy of your I.D. through the correspondence you choose to take. 
  • When requested in person, every effort will be made to release the information during the initial visit. If this is not possible, reports will be emailed/mail to the address listed on the application. 
  • Certain reports may not be available for release because the investigation is still ongoing, or because release of the report is restricted by law in order to protect the integrity of the investigation, especially if it could lead to apprehension of a responsible individual(s) in the future.
  • The report may have redacted (blacked/blanked out) areas or missing pages.  Redaction are required by laws and policies that govern the release of police information. 

You may request a copy of a report if you are:

  • A victim of a crime
  • An authorized representative of the victim of a crime (with a signed waiver, authorization to release)
  • The insurance carrier against whom a claim has been made or may be made
  • A person who suffered bodily injury or property damage because of an incident, including, but not limited to, a traffic collision

If you were arrested:

If you have been arrested and have not appeared in court, the Records Unit will not release the report. The case must be adjudicated before the report may be released.  The court or prosecution will discuss options for obtaining the report at your arraignment. 

Collision reports:

Collision reports are releasable to drivers, authorized representative of the driver, owners of vehicles or of property damage and persons who may incur civil liability. (CVC 20012). 


To obtain a copy of the report you will need to fill out a Report Request Form. You may return the form by email/mail or drip it off at the Lathrop Police Department front desk.

For more information about status of your request, please contact the Records unit at (209) 647-6400.


How do I register for 290 PC?

Registering convicted criminals for specific drug, sex, or arson offenses will need to call the Records Unit to schedule an appointment. Appointments will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 830am - 500pm.

All first time 290 PC (sex offenders)/annual/monthly registrants to the City of Lathrop. Please call (209) 647-6400 to schedule an appointment.

DOJ Registration Requirements:

  • Convicted sex offenders must register annually within 5 working days of birthday and when changing residence address.
  • Transient sex offenders must register in person in the jurisdiction where they are physically present every 30 days. 
  • Sexually Violent Predators must update their registration in person every 90 days.
  • Convicted sec offenders that have more than one residence address must register at both residences. 
I was issued a traffic violation ticket. What is the fine and how do I pay?

Call the Superior Court of California County of San Joaquin at (209) 239-1316 (Manteca Branch) for the fine amounts.  You may either mail the payment to the courthouse, take it to the courthouse or pay for the violation online on the courts website under "Online Services". You will find more information on the backside of your violation ticket. 


Is my police report ready?

Reports are usually ready for pick up within five to ten business days. Please call ahead to make sure your report is ready and available - (209) 647-6400. If you have not put in the request for the report, you will need to follow put in that request.  For your convenience, you may Email Us and provide the following information:

Date of birth

Date, time, and location of occurrence


Report Number

Type of Report (e.g. traffic accident, crime, or other)

Copy of identification (to show proof of who you are in order to relate it to the report) 


My vehicle was towed and I need to know where it is. Can you tell me?

To locate your vehicle you will need the following information:

  • Vehicle license plate or VIN (Vehicle Identification Number-this can be found on registration or your insurance card) number
  • Registered owner's name and address
  • Year, make and model of vehicle
  • Last known location of vehicle


Then you can call the Lathrop Police Department at (209) 647-6400.


What are the fees for a towed vehicle?

If your vehicle was towed for anything other than being involved in a traffic accident or a recovered stolen vehicle, the fee is $125 and payable at the time of release.  There will be additional fees from the tow company for their services. 


What is a False Alarm?

“False alarm” means an alarm signal activated by causes other than the commission or attempted commission of an unlawful act which the alarm system is designed to detect. An alarm signal activated by violent conditions of nature or other extraordinary circumstances not subject to the control of the alarm owners shall not constitute a false alarm.

False Alarm Fine:

An alarm user shall be subject to fines, depending on the number of false alarms within the fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, based on the below schedule.

Burglary/Robbery/Panic Hold Up – Registered/Unregistered/Expired Location Fine Schedule

  • 1st false alarm:                          No Fee
  • 2nd false alarm:                         Warning Letter
  • 3rd false alarm:                          Warning Letter
  • 4th false alarm:                          $25.00
  • 5th false alarm:                          $50.00
  • 6th false alarm and above:      $75.00

All fines are due within 30 days from the invoice date.

Search Tips and Tricks

Do the search results include the contents of PDFs and other documents?

Yes.  The website indexes web pages as well as PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and text documents.

If I search for a phrase (e.g. alarm permit), will the results only show exact matches?

No.  By default, the search results will show matches for any word within the phrase.  In this example, you would receive results for all web pages and documents that contained either the word alarm or the word permit or both.

In order to search on an exact phrase, enclose your search phrase in quotations.  The search results for "alarm permit" will show matches for that exact phrase.

Can I exclude a word from a search (e.g. all pages that have the word "alarm" but not the word "permit"?

Yes.   You can exclude words by using the minus sign (-).   In order to find the results of all pages that have alarm in the result but not permit, you would search for alarm -permit.