Campaign Statements
The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) requires reports from committees, candidates and elected officials at various times of the year. See Filing Schedules.
Campaign disclosure report filings for local elected officeholders, candidates for local elected offices, and committees in support or opposed to local candidates are filed with the City Clerk.
This link provides a comprehensive list of every FPPC form with brief explanations of who must file the form. Most commonly used forms are listed below:
- Form 501 - Candidate Intention Statement
- Form 410 - Statement of Organization (For campaigns receiving $2,000 in contributions)
- Form 460 - Recipient Committee Campaign Statement
- Form 470 - Officeholder/Candidate Campaign Statement-Short Form (For campaigns receiving less than $2,000 in contributions)
- Form 496 - 24-hour/10-day Independent Expenditure Report
- Form 497 - 497 24-hour/10-day Contribution Report
Effective January 1, 2021, AB 2151 requires a local government agency to post on its internet website, within 72 hours of the applicable filing deadline, a copy of any specified statements, reports, or other documents filed with that agency in paper format and must be made available for four years from the date of the election associated with the filing.
Campaign Contributions
Pursuant to Assembly Bill 571 (Stats. 2019, Ch. 556, AB 571 Mullin), beginning January 1, 2021, the state campaign contribution limit applies to city candidates. The City of Lathrop does not have a separate local ordinance regarding contribution limits. Along with the new campaign contribution limit, there are also other related provisions that formerly applied only to state level candidates that now apply to city candidates. The contribution limit applicable to city candidates pursuant to AB 571 is updated biennially for inflation. Contribution limits can be found in Regulation 18545(a)2 of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). The limit for contributions to city candidates subject to AB 571 for 2023-2024 is set at $5,500 per election. Additional AB 571 information can be found on the fact sheet available here.
New Electronic Filing System & Public Portal
The City of Lathrop has implemented an electronic filing system called CampaignDocs eRetrieval™ to ensure that contributions and expenditures in city elections are disclosed and made available to the public. All committees who are required to file campaign disclosure statements must file their forms electronically through this system (including independent expenditure committees and major donor committees).
In order to use CampaignDocs eRetrieval™, an account must be created by the City Clerk’s Office. Please contact (209) 941-7230 or to request an account creation. An account will automatically be created for committees upon receipt of an initial Form 410-Statement of Organization. If your committee type does not require this form, including but not limited to independent expenditure committees and major donor committees, please contact our office as soon as possible to initiate an account.
Campaign Committee Portal to File Campaign Forms:
City of Lathrop CampaignDocs eRetrieval™ Filer Portal
The eCampaign™ site provides access to public records and information about filers who have officially formed committees.
Public Transparency Portal to View Campaign Committee Filed Forms:
City of Lathrop eCampaign™ Public Access
Statements prior to June 2024 are available for viewing/copying at the City Clerk’s Office during regular business hours, or may be requested via email at Statements from 2020 to May 2024, can be found below.