Property and Evidence Unit

Police Evidence Bag

The Lathrop Police Department's Property Unit is responsible for all items that are collected as evidence, safekeeping or found property. Once collected, the item is secured and tracked until such time the item is needed for court, is returned to the rightful owner, or is destroyed.


  • Evidence: Property is generally held until the conclusion of any pending court action. Evidence is any property that may be related to a crime, which may implicate or clear a person of a crim.


  • Found Property: Found property and/or unattended property is taken into custody for safeguarding until the owner is located. The property is held while attempts to locate the rightful owner are made.


  • Safekeeping: Property is generally held for 60 days. This non-evidentiary property is placed in the custody of a law enforcement agency for temporary protection on behalf of the owner. 


To claim your property, call the Lathrop Police Department at (209) 647-6400 to schedule an appointment. No walk-ins allowed, you must schedule an appointment.