Streetlight Maintenance

Traffic signal with streetlights in the background at nighttime

When reporting a streetlight, please have the following information available so that the light may be repaired in a timely manner.

  •     Pole number
  •     Nearest address and/or landmark
  •     Status of light (cycling, day-burner, outage)

You may report a malfunctioning streetlight on the Lathrop Cares App, and select "Lighting" on the TOPIC drop-down menu. The app will serve as a one-stop-shop providing citizens a fast, safe, and convenient way to inform the City of issues, concerns and to submit a request. You may also contact Public Works at (209) 941-7430.

To report a malfunctioning traffic signal light, please call Maintenance Services immediately at (209) 941-7430.

Is a light out in River Islands? Contact the Lathrop Irrigation District (LID) at (209) 888-4799.