River Islands Phase 2 Project

River Islands

The project applicant (Califia, LLC) proposes to modify the approved Phase 2 Project. The overall project boundary of the River Islands Project would not change from that analyzed in the 2003 SEIR. The proposed changes would include densification of a portion of the Phase 2 area with additional multi-family units as well as additional attached single-family units, the creation of a “town center” mixed-use area at Paradise Road, the addition of a mixed-use Transit Oriented Development area to complement the future planned Valley Link transit station, and changes in the circulation pattern. The project also includes an amendment to the existing 2002 West Lathrop Specific Plan (WLSP) and Lathrop General Plan to reflect these changes. It is anticipated that traffic generated by the River Islands Project will eventually increase traffic volumes sufficiently on Paradise Road that criteria will be triggered for widening of the road. The widening of Paradise Road is considered in the SEIR.  

The revised land use plan for Modified Phase 2 Project will result in a higher overall number of dwelling units for the River Islands Project Phase 1 and Phase 2, increasing it from 11,000 to more than 15,000 homes. Construction in the Phase 2 area would likely begin in 2021, with build out expected to be complete by December 2040.

The following are the amendments for River Islands Phase 2:


The project is located in the city of Lathrop, San Joaquin County, California. Lathrop is situated in the San Joaquin Valley, at the junction of Interstate 5 (I-5), I-205, and State Route 120 (SR 120), approximately 65 miles east of San Francisco and 55 miles south of Sacramento.

Old River District

West Village District

Woodlands East District

Woodlands West District

Lake Harbor West District

The project was approved by the City Council on June 14, 2021 with the following resolutions and ordinances:


Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR)

Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR)

Public review and comment for the Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Draft SEIR) (State Clearinghouse # 1993112027) was available for a 45-day review period from February 12, 2021 through March 29, 2021.